Always Go For A Service That Is Up To Date – Offset Printing Singapore

Printing service is something that should be hired carefully. However, you need to make some choice. These choices are regarding the colour, sizes, etc. Besides, there are different types of printing that are done. The two most commonly used services are digital printing and offset printing.

Understanding digital printing

Digital printing uses toners and is widely used for printing lower quantities like something around 50-100 copies. However, offset printing uses aluminium plates. A rubber blanket is used to roll over a sheet of paper. It is named offset because the ink is not directly put on the paper. Offset printing is used for bulk printing. If you wish to have around 500 copies, you surely need to go for offset printing. Are you looking for a service provider? You need to check out offset printing singapore.

Let’s know some of the benefits of this very type of printing. Let’s get started.

  • It is cost-effective as it is profitable for bulk printing. The more the quantity, the less costly it will be for you.
  • The finishes are excellent because once the plates are set, printing goes smoothly.
  • You can have better colours and inks when you go for this type of printing.

For having clean and crispy printing, always go for offset printing.

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